Chris Pinto's films have turned out to be an incredibly inspiring and informative experience for me, first about the history of America, which also brought out the role of secret societies in world affairs -- pointing toward the world government and world religion of the last days as prophesied in the Bible.
And now I just finished watching the first part of his film on the history of the Bible, A Lamp in the Dark. I wasn't in a hurry to see that film because I figured I know a lot about Bible history, but I should have known better. Yes I know quite a bit but trust Pinto to show me connections that I never would have guessed. Here I've had the idea the one I would want to see is the next on this subject that he is working on now, Tares Among the Wheat, where I expect him to get more into the issues of the modern Bibles that this blog is about, but toward the end of Lamp he suggested enough unexpected connections to knock me for a loop already.
Is it possible the horrific mess this blog is about, the disastrous Revision of 1881 and all the disastrous translations that have fed off it ever since, IS THE RESULT OF A JESUIT CONSPIRACY TO DESTROY THE BIBLE? It really looks like that could be so.
The Antichrist nature of the Roman Catholic Church is Pinto's main theme. It's all coming together for the last of the last days.
All Christians should see this film.
Here's the link to Chris Pinto's Adullam FIlms where you can get the DVDs.
And I see that his latest two radio broadcasts are on the Bible too. They weren't up earlier when I looked so I'll have to hear them tomorrow: LINK
22 hours ago