An awful lot of good people really do believe that the manuscripts underlying the King James are "inferior." This is said by many very good preachers but I recently heard it quite flatly declared on the radio and it's still sort of ringing in my ears -- and sitting like lead at the bottom of my stomach.
It saddens me along with everything else that saddens me these days. The Marxification/Communization of America in the name of health care that was forced on us over the weekend was already quite a blow.
The whole world is being turned inside out it seems to me, from truth to lie, to false propaganda, more than ever lately, and more angrily too. And unfortunately the church is not exempt. Of course the Lord's people can never lose the truth that matters most, but still, there are other truths that ought not be compromised either.
When I hear a good preacher quote from one of the new versions it usually grates on me harshly and that happens quite frequently if I listen to preaching on the radio or the internet.
I gloomily ruminate over how on earth America got seduced by the most unAmerican creed imaginable and I can do the same over how the churches, even many of the best of the churches, ever got seduced by the bogus claims for a couple of previously rejected Bible manuscripts that enraptured the rationalist/liberal Christians in the 19th century. The devil knows his magic, knows how to weave a spell.
I can always start explaining it all by focusing on the errors of those on the right side of the issue, and there's no doubt this is a big part of it. I'm not going to analyze the American political situation here although I think the principle applies there too, but it certainly applies to the Bible versions issue. That is, among those who rightly choose the KJV over all the modern versions are unfortunately quite a few who do it for the wrong reasons and with a very wrong attitude and often some pretty objectionable tactics.
I'm sure that has had an influence, but it can't really be made the ultimate reason for this lamentable situation. Somehow otherwise spiritually alert men were deceived by the claims for the new versions and became in turn trusted authorities others could appeal to, and these men lead in the seminaries, and while this may be an overstatement I suspect there's never been a point in this history where a shaft of light penetrated the rote repetition of the party line.
Such worthies as J. Gresham Machen (and I think also B B Warfield) have contributed to this state of affairs. Many of the best preachers are perpetuating it today.
I wanted to get more deeply into this subject but I have to admit I just don't have it in me right now, so I'll leave it as is until whenever.
4 hours ago
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